Thursday, August 15, 2013

Metallic Nails for Fall

Lazy day over here, just spending most of the day in bed. Tired of Waiting by 2PM playing in my head pleasantly.

 So what better way to pass the time, than to redo my nails?

I cleaned off yesterday's nail polish with wine tinted finger tips, and tried out Sally Hansen's Hard as Nails Xtreme Wear #220 Celeb City. It's a nice metallic silver. Metallics are one of those polishes that work all year round, but there is a certain appeal about wearing it during the Fall and Winter months.

Having said that, I'll be sticking to shades of oxblood, deep blues, teals, and purples. Neutrals, metallics, and of course, black.

What shades are you going to be sporting this fall/winter? What are some of your favorite metallic polishes? 

Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear in Celeb City

"I get tired of waiting. You know?"
"I get tired and go crazy as I wait for you."
"I'm still waiting for you. Oh yeah~"

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Matte French Tips

When I was younger, my mom took me to my first manicure pedicure session. It was instant love on my part. I loved being able to choose any color, the pampering, and the sleek feel of the polish once dry. Every time after that, I would sit and watch the manicurist in detail. Gaining confidence that I could apply the same techniques to my self. More and more it became another artistic outlet for self expression. Which is partly why I took up nail art as a hobby, when I was first introduced to Korean and Japanese pop culture.

This afternoon I decided to play around with french tip matte nails, in a deep shade of eggplant. I used Lincoln Park After Dark by O.P.I. It didn't turn out exactly as planned. I haven't used matte finishes enough to really get a good feel for it, though I really like the ORLY top coat. And in the end I added a silver band, as I felt that the overall appearance looked too messy. I used Sally Hansen Diamond Strength Hardener as a base, and Sally Hansen Diamond Flash for the top coat (for the silver band and tips only). The finished look is nearly black, and while it's a change, I will probably redo the nails sometime this week. I always leave the skin around my nails slightly messy as it normally comes off overnight, and no one really sees my nails. It's a different matter if it's for an event.

Overall, I value the practice. Because even if I'm not particularly fond of the end look, I enjoy creating designs.

Here's a look at the process and my results.

O.P.I Lincoln After Dark & ORLY Matte Top
Cleaned off the pre-existing nail colors.
Nail polish free nails.
Used my ORLY Cuticle Oil freebie.
Shaped with a rough file, since I misplaced my other one.
I keep my nails curved and then thoroughly wash and clean with warm water and soap.
Diamond Strength Nail Hardener by Sally Hansen, it's been through some rough times!
I use a hardener as a base coat. 
Other than cotton balls, I keep plenty of Q-tips handy.

The matte french tips before the silver band. They look so unfinished, lol!
Finished look!


Textbooks arrived today. Fall classes start in two weeks. The first two books, being the Genki integrated course in elementary Japanese, with companion workbook. I love the sleek lightweight design of these textbooks. Flipping through the pages, the structure is different than that of my textbooks from high school. I'm looking forward to brushing up on my 日本語. 

It's been a dream of mine to gain fluency in Japanese for several years now, and the learning has been slow going. However, I have listened to Japanese audio and music, nearly daily, for the last six years. Granted it's mostly slang, but it's better than nothing.

Lastly, as I'm only taking two classes this semester, is the On Course textbook by Skip Downing. It's for a College Study Skills course. I'm especially interested in seeing if I can develop and utilize time management skills. My study skills up until now have been pretty non-existent, so any improvement would be a plus. 

"Today, I don't care. Cuz we wild, we rolling stones. Today I'm free like a wind. I'm rockin' my life away."
 — G-Dragon ft. Kim Jong Wan, Today

Well, hello there hiragana! O hisashiburi da ne.

Funny how the yellow seems to match the duvet.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Day by Day

This morning we ventured out as the sun was rising. The neighbor's cat stalking us openly as we tread to the car. We watch as the streak of grey runs off into the distance at the start of the car's engine. Tennis ball securely in mouth, we begin our walk through the park. Our path highlighted by sun-kissed plants and golden beams against the horizon. Air remains refreshingly cool as it lazily warms up to the brightness enveloping the day. We find unexpected encouragement as we walk along a quiet trail. The sky above stretches vastly as we head back home.

It was a good morning.

Mom, the cat is following us!

Baby Good Night

Just another evening, passing flowers the color of lavender and rhubarb. Golden eyes look out at the world keenly. As a slow breeze unsettles leaves overhead. Light fades as we drive, and I find quiet contentment in my silent passenger. The transition into night is steadfast. Along our path are leaves illuminated against a darkened sky. As we come full circle, we are greeted by the soft glow of paper lights. Warm hues reflected against the night, mark our passage home.

Too often than not I take this time for granted. I want to capture more moments with my boy.

“The timeless in you is aware of life's timelessness. And knows that yesterday is but today's memory and tomorrow is today's dream.” 
― Kahlil GibranThe Prophet